About us

Governance Structure

In the province of Nova Scotia, CCAs are not regulated by legislation or governed by a regulatory body; therefore, responsibility for issues related to public interest and governance rests largely with the employer.  In the absence of a governing body, the STLC supports and provides oversight for the CCA Program including education, certification process, and CCA Registry. 

To assist with these activities, the Continuing Care Assistant Program Advisory Committee (CCAPAC) was established by the SLTC to govern the CCA Program.  The CCAPAC acts in an advisory capacity and makes recommendations to the SLTC on policy matters relating to the CCA Program and its services; including but not limited to, curriculum standards, certification, and CCA Registry.  The Committee reports to the Executive Director, Risk Mitigation – Continuing Care, SLTC.


CCA Program Administration at Health Association Nova Scotia (HANS) operationalizes the CCA Program under the direction of Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness and Continuing Care Assistant Program Advisory Committee.