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Continuing Care Assistant Program Advisory Committee

The Continuing Care Assistant program Advisory Committee (CCAPAC) acts in an advisory capacity and will make recommendations to the Department of Health and Wellness on policy matters relating to the CCA Program and its services, including but not limited to curriculum standards, certification, and CCA Registry.  The Committee reports to the Senior Executive Director, Continuing Care, DHW.

The role of the CCAPAC includes:

  • Engage stakeholders in a maintenance and revalidation process of the CCA Scope of Practice and Competency Framework for the purposes of:
    • Setting standards for the CCA Program including curriculum, administration, certification, and placement standards for the CCA Program
    • Conducting consultations with employers, educators, students and other relevant stakeholders at regular intervals to receive feedback on the competency framework, the CCA Program’s standards, and registry
    • Monitoring trends and issues within the health system to advise the Department of Health and Wellness on the evolving skill sets required of CCA and of the subsequent framework and educational impact
    • Ongoing evaluation and revision of CCA Program standards (curriculum, administration, certifications and placement)
  • Licensing education providers for CCA education delivery
  • Ensuring that CCA licensed education providers are operating in compliance with established standards
  • Providing opportunity for certification to persons graduating from licensed CCA education providers
  • Providing governance for the CCA Registry
  • Establishing performance expectations for the program’s services, committee, and administration
  • Establishing strategic goals (short and long term) as well as objectives and workings groups to meet the goals as required
  • Reporting annually on CCA Program including progress toward goals and objectives

Committee Composition:

  • Three CCA employer representatives from the nursing home sector: one representative shall be an administrator, one representative shall be a director/coordinator of care, and the third in a senior or supervisory role
  • Three CCA employer representatives from the home care sector: one representative shall be an administrator, one representative shall be a director/coordinator of care, and the third in a senior or supervisory role
  • Two CCA employer representatives from the NSHA (acute care sector) both representatives shall be in a senior or supervisory role
  • Three CCA representatives: one representative shall be employed in a nursing home setting, one in a home care/support environment, and one from an acute care setting
  • Two CCA licensed education provider representatives: one representative from a publically funded education institution and one representative from a private education institution
  • One representative as nominated by the Nova Scotia College of Nurses
  • One NSHA Continuing Care Director as nominated by the Continuing Care, DHW
  • One representative of the Continuing Care, DHW
  • Senior Executive Director, Continuing Care, DHW ex-officio
  • Administrator, CCA Program, ex-officio
  • The Continuing Care, DHW representative shall be the Chair
  • The committee shall appoint the co-Chair from the above representatives
  • Consulting member representatives will be invited to participant as required

Committee member will sit on the committee for a term of three years; as long as the member continues to represent the entity he/she was invited to represent.   Outgoing members may be nominated for the selection process for a second term.  Outgoing members may not be nominated for a third term but may be nominated again after a period of three years  All effort will be made to stagger the terms to ensure only one-third of the membership is replaced each year.

Call for nominations are issued from DHW as positions on the Committee become available.  If you would like to be included in the call, submit your name and contact information to CCAProgram@healthassociation.ns.ca.  We will ensure you are on the distribution list.

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Dalai Lama